Dear people at revver (yes, that includes “the guy who can’t read a calender),
for more than two years I have given you my content from for free and used your player, promoting your brand. Even more so, I allowed you to monetize my content in your name.
In return I received some money, but let’s be honest, almost 500k views this year alone did not even translate into a three-figure sum for me. It might have, but you are late with payments. Almost four months late. And the money you promised to send out on September 11th which would have been enough to buy my wife a decent dinner, did not reach me yet. And I just double-checked my PayPal account.
What the hell is going on?
I can tell you what the hell is going on. You are ruining the one USP you had. There are so many video platforms out there (which, btw, I am all feeding through, easy monetization was your one advantage. The only one.
Since that seems broken I see no reason why not to talk more with sandieman at viddler, I really like what he did with Gary Vaynerchuk. Ask a Ninja switched, the mentos guys put there latest video on vimeo, it seems as always I am the latest to realize the ship is doomed, but I will move on.
Just give me the money you owe me. Or I’ll send the Ninja!
Tim Street
The Ninja left Revver many months ago.
@Tim: thanks for the link. good to know the story!
Hey Sebastian, as you may have seen from numerous dashboard messages to your Revver account, we are behind schedule with payments. We fully acknowledge that this is not ok, and hate being late just as much as you do, but you will be paid. There is nothing shady going on, nobody is getting screwed over, it’s just that we are behind schedule. Payment for July’s earnings should be going out by the end of next week. Sorry for the situation, but it’s going to require some patience. Thanks for understanding.
-The Revver Team
@revver: Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yes, there were, indeed, numerous messages about payment delays. However, there also was an August 28th message in which you state that the June payment is on its way. And I am stating that I am still waiting for that money to reach me. I don’t mean to say you are shady. I am only saying that something is wrong. You shouldn’t be behind at all. Not for such a long time. Service should improve!