Well, the Germans call it Stoeckchen, you could call it a meme, I guess.
I received the invitation from Hotwire‘s Tapio Liller who I caught twittering a while ago and who is, I am happy to see, blogging too. One of these days there might be a fun story to share but back to my task. What are my habits, what to I digest? The meme is tracked over here where you can see several other responses. Looking back at the last four weeks, here she goes.
What I’ve read
It might be in vain, but the Visual Bookshelf in Facebook is a lot of fun for me. I have read a lot, and even with the kid, now that he is sleeping in his own room, I continue to read quite a bit at night again. Over the last four weeks I have read Baldacci’s The Collectors, Half of Ken Dryden’s The Game, am almost through Breaking Vegas and have Join the Conversation, Wikinomics, Made to Stick and some novels as well lined up.
We get a daily paper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, which is amicably shared, I get the sports section and the media page of Feuilleton, my wife the rest. When we have the time we like to get the FAZ on Sunday which is a great read. Aside from that I read brand eins religiously and the usual papers and magazines for PR-people at work.
However, most of my information diet comes through RSS and Twitter. I use Google Reader with about 300 subscriptions at the moment. Every month or so I wee through this to reduce. I have some categories like must-read, friends, watchlists for clients and so on. Apart from that I surf to Techmeme, Rivva.de, ESPN-hockey and my Yahoo fantasy league.
What I’ve watched
I don’t watch that much TV aside from the news. However, we like to watch 1-2 episodes of Friends to zone out after a long day, we just went through House Season 3 and have 24 Season 2 in wait. Saw Jesse James and August Rush at the movies and An Unfinished Life on DVD (Amango, rental). I catch some video podcasts as well if I have the time, Elektrischer Reporter, TED Talks, Calacaniscast when he did them. I used to watch Ze Frank as well, but have given up on Rocketbook formats.
What I’ve listened to
I am trying to listen to more music again, the digitization of my collection has helped. After the announcement of Extreme’s re-union I listened to their albums a lot, Dream Theater and Symphony X, Jamie Cullum and some Jazz are always stored locally, I have some Killswitch Engage on my cell phone but do enjoy the occasional hip-hop as well.
What’s probably more interesting is my podcast collection. Unfortunately, I am quite the junkie, but manage to get through a bit when taking the kid out on a stroll. Order of consumation may vary, but my Top 10 goes something like this: Gillmor Group, The Hollywood Podcast, For Immediate Release, Managing the Gray, Six Pixels of Separation, Jaffe Juice, Blick über den Tellerrand, Car Talk, Manager Tools, Foreword Thinking, 800 CEO-Read. Yeah, quite a load, I tell you.
My setup
I use my Macbook 2Ghz for work and at home, have a Trekstor external drive for my music collection, Nokia N95 with Opera, fring (discl.: client), Gmail, kyte.tv and qik, also for audio podcasts since my iPod 3G broke down.
Who I am tagging?
Let’s see, how about Sebastian, Ix and Timo Heuer.
PS: I thought about putting a million links into this post, but then thought, links are dead anyway and you are all grown-ups who know how to use Google or ask me.
Technorati Tags: stöckchen, monthinmedia
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