Ok, so the Kindle 2 is out, with read-out-loud feature which the publishers don’t like. I don’t get it. This is a prove of concept feature. People will realize, they like having a book read to them, when they are driving. Or on the treadmill. And the Kindle 3 will have more HD space and […]
Nico hat bei Vier Nasen tanken Super (für alle, die noch nicht so lang Social Media Experten sind, das war der Vorgänger von Kanal 14) immer gesagt, podcasten über Podcasting macht keinen Spaß. Komisch nur, dass 90% der Leute mit mehr als 5.000 Followern auf Twitter Social Media Experten sind (die anderen 10% sind Celebrities). […]
One thing about setting goals is that it helps when one is held accountable, either by oneself or by friends, family etc. So here is what I have done so far this year. FitnessI set out to become much fitter again, chasing myself ca. 1999, when I lived in the States, ice skated and went […]
One thing about setting goals is that it helps when one is held accountable, either by oneself or by friends, family etc. So here is what I have done so far this year. FitnessI set out to become much fitter again, chasing myself ca. 1999, when I lived in the States, ice skated and went […]
Hilarious video of Louis CK on Conan O’Brien