Es gibt keinen Ausweg aus diesem Dilemma. Wer es versucht mit Kindern, Ehe und Beruf, lässt sich auf ein Abenteuer ein. Ein Abenteuer, das Schmerzen und Zweifel und Grenzerfahrungen bringt. Viele scheitern daran. Aber es könnte schon eine Hilfe sein, das einmal auszusprechen, statt immer weiter die Vereinbarkeitslüge zu verbreiten. Denn auch die produziert wieder […]
Lately I seem to spend a lot of time on YouTube. A. Lot. of. Time. The amount of videos there that interests me is ridiculous but of course, I don’t have enough time. Just a very long “watch later” list. But why should I alone have all the fun – here are the gems I […]
Well there you have it, another year in the books. Have a look at my list from last year here. I finished 18 books total which is 7 less than in the two previous years. I have been focused on music so much, I guess something had to give. For this year I went […]
In the last two years music has taken a much bigger place in my life again. That’s a good thing. Although I get great input I usually start the year by checking out other people’s/magazines’s best of lists. I made some on Spotify, feel free to check them out: Mike Portnoy, Eddie Trunk, Guitar World, […]
I couple of end-of-year/beginning-of-year posts ahead. Album of the year 2013 was a big year for releases of bands I liked, as noted last March. Many were good, some great, all meant something. My top 5 in no particular order: #1: The Winery Dogs – The Winery Dogs / best rock album in years, very […]
Another bad week for social networking in general and Facebook especially? Reading blog entries from Nico and Wolfgang, a heavily discussed Facebook post by moeffju plus the Business Insider piece “Facebook is a fundamentally broken product” one might get the idea that social networks have failed us, betrayed us and we should therefore draw consequences, like […]