Hi Steve, I’ll keep the intro short: PowerBook G4, White MacBook, MacBook Pro, iPhone 3, 3GS, iPods… iPad: for sure! I actually buy quite some music and TV shows in the iTunes Store. And I wonder: Why is it so, well, 1999? The only thing it seems to remember is my name. Certainly not my […]
Do you remember the Channel 7 incident from a year ago? Obviously I do, since I still get email from people who got contacted by Channel 7. Where a “Tony” wants to visit the next day and make a contract. Remember, that I was contacted by Channel 7’s Linda James, General Manager, and later John […]
Dear Jeff, I have been an Amazon customer since 1999. Since when there was no shipping fee til now, where Amazon Prime makes life easier and no doubt increases your revenue. Although many of the solutions you have offered are quite superb and make shopping at Amazon fun and special there are three points leave […]
Seth Godin asks his readers to pass on their copy of his recent work ‘Linchpin’. I’d love to do that. But, I read it with the Kindle for iPhone app, and all of a sudden passing it on would be a copy and I would violate all kinds of copyright rules. However, I highlighted 35 […]
Techcrunch pointed out this morning (my time) that Constantin Film apparently has forced YouTube to take down the latest take on the Hitlermeme, in which he (Hitler) goes off on the iPhone 4g. This film was just the latest installment of films I really enjoy watching, despite or because I am German. We are known […]
Ich gebe gern zu, dass ich nicht alles lese, was Thomas Knüwer schreibt. Dass ich in letzter Zeit beim Lesen seiner Artikel häufiger dachte, “och Mensch, wirklich”? Es schien mir, als würde er sich einiger Themen aus Prinzip annehmen (weil er schon immer darüber schrieb, zB Journalistenverband) oder aus geschäftlichen Gründen (weil man da ggf. […]