(Again, not trying to sell blogs!)I have written about the opportunity a corporate blog can represent for a company before, mostly from the perspective of the company. Today I want to point out why the blogosphere matters from the perspective of a user. Imagine that I am your customer. Let me give you examples of […]
Yesterday, readers of the German blog “Der Walther Saftblog” helped the author to find a customer. They needed help with deciphering some handwriting. This is just a small glimpse of the future of corporate communication. Technorati Tags: walther, saftblog, corporate blog
How did Google get the naming rights? Update: Fixed the link. Technorati Tags: google, notebook
Why bother with the question whether blu-ray or HD DVD will be the format of the future? While Steve Rubel paints an ad-free content model with premium – paid for – content I found myself thinking about DVDs: movies on DVD, VHS or whatever format you care to use.How many of my DVDs have I […]
…writes the FAZ today, following the last episode on Sunday. Well, hello, who apart from people interested in US-TV know about it? It never aired in Germany.What a bunch of baloney. Technorati Tags: west wing, westwing
Yesterday Dave Winer mentioned that he’ll begin to invest some of his own money and my guess is that he’ll win more shirts than he’ll lose. Yesterday I also listened to the recent Gillmor Daily show on Hollywood. A – at times heated – debate about where studios and content are headed. It reminded me […]