Excited by the news that The Police will be touring again I went to site thepolicetour.com and got even more excited when I saw the RSS sign. “Sure thing, I can’t miss on tickets, cause I’ll know as soon as they are on sale, thanks to my friend RSS.”The feed, however, is the latest news […]
Looking at techmeme, Steve Jobs just topped his own announcement of the iPhone with his "Thoughts on Music", basically a call for DRM-free music downloads. Thomas Hawk has looked at the announcement from a marketing perspective and I agree with his assesment, "So Jobs basically today admits that DRM is a boneheaded idea, but justifies […]
Following the honorable David Weinberger’s example I am going to share my easy but quite efficient iPod fix. I had almost given up hope. After the battery seemed to be on it’s last days the menu was going crazy. Meaning:Until then, I had all my music in playlists and whenever I went up one level […]
It seems last night MTV Europe hosted the Music Awards in Kopenhagen. Caught the results in my feed reader. Couldn’t care less. Until The Speaking English Podcast is nominated I am not watching 😉 Technorati Tags: mtvmusicawards
Just another quick pointer: On award-winning guitar player Joe Satriani’s website satriani.com you can find yet another video podcast feed (after the one coinciding with the release of his latest album Super Colossal): The Satriani Road Podcast 2006, check it out. technorati tags:satriani, satch, video, podcast, videopodcast Blogged with Flock
I don’t know since when their site has RSS, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “What’s new” is my newest feed. It can be found here. Way to go RHCP, and finally a second worthy feed for my “Music” folder. So, is RSS going to be mainstream soon now? After my recent experience no, but […]