About five weeks ago Robert Scoble wrote a blog post wondering whether location-based service/game Foursquare could become bigger than Twitter. After listening to the 10/15/2009 Gillmor Gang (video) I am inclined to at least give in to “Twitter is nice, but we ain’t seen nothing yet.” Here is the money quote, from one of the […]
(this is also testing the wordpress iphone app) Espn’s NHL site has been poorly updated during the off-season and the mobile version was still kind of lame content-wise compared to e.g. tsa.ca/nhl. To me, an NHL-app would be king, like MLB-app that livestreams games. I’d pay 15 euros to watch games on my iPhone easily, […]
If you know older Dream Theater songs, that headline actually makes a lot of sense. DT keyboarder Jordan Rudess shot this clip while in tour in Düsseldorf. This looks like the stuff Bill Gates showed at E3 three years ago. Where can I buy it???
Und da denkt sich der geneigte Leser, wollte er nicht weniger machen? Es hat beruflichen Hintergrund. WBN:DIGITAL ist das Stichwort. Mehr Details im Laufe der Wochze. Hatte ich auch schon mal erwähnt. Zum Artikel über Gowalla sei noch der Pl0gcast #15 empfohlen, unbedingt anhören. Und meinen Workaround für das Lesen von Kindle-Büchern auf dem iPhone […]
Just a small summary of what happened, continuing one, two and three, albeit a bit late. First, there is a new website and blog. We are expanding WBN and you can for example read about Gowalla, a new app I am playing with right now. As for the expansion, there will be more news to […]