If you haven’t done so, check out and finetune your Google Profile, it’s listed at the bottom when someone googles your name. You’ll have a vanity URL, too. Here is mine: http://www.google.com/profiles/sebastiankeil Also, released about ten days ago, Google now let’s you look at your social graph and what your contacts are sharing. This is […]
Sorry for the long title, just had to get all the important words in there 😉 I am not sure what it is, a glitch, a security hole, privacy issue, common sense, but here is what happened: Back when the Facebook iPhone app was update to contain push notification and sync I did just that: […]
Diese ewigen Besserwisser, die meinen, Benimmregeln fürs Internet aufstellen zu müssen. Könnt ihr eure Klicks nicht origineller generieren? Ich bin mir der Ironie bewusst, dass ich diese Blogs und Benimmregeln nicht lesen müsste. Aber es nervt einfach, wenn dann die üblichen Verdächtigen auf den Zug aufspringen und meinen, dass das ganz richtig so sei und […]
Still a couple of minutes/hours before we find out where Christopher S. Penn is heading next. Mr. Penn is heading to Blue Sky Factory as VP of Strategy and Innovation. I like this, makes a lot of sense. For fun I set up a little poll last week, it closed Sunday night. Here are the […]
There are lots of video platforms out there, each with it’s own pro’s and con’s. Some suck, some I like so much for this use case, that I host my English Podcast there. In general, I still struggle with what do I put where since there are sooo many platforms. Some do live, some do […]
Hier der Link zur Bild-Story. Und hier die Seite von Bornintents. Guckt sie euch an, nicht nur wegen des Shirts.