Somebody just sent me an email, asking me to sign-up for Google Calendar for a project. It is also announced on various blogs.There. I’ll sign up because of the project of course but will compare it sharply with 30 boxes, my current solution with which I am very happy. Technorati Tags: googlecalendar, google, 30boxes
Great news via THE communicator down-under, Lee Hopkins: Jack Reacher is back. Well, Lee’s news is first and foremost, that his client, Dymocks Booksellers, has launched a blog. Congrats Lee. And regarding your thoughts of moving the blog to another provider, I can feel your pain – I am debating as well, whether to move […]
Co-opetition as opposed to competition: We need to do more as a group to start linking to our “competitors” as well as bloggers from outside our online and physical neighborhoods. One way to do this by subscribing to RSS feeds. I subscribe to Technorati and tag feeds for the topics I want to follow. […]
I had a doctors appointment yesterday and apart from the fact that I didn’t enjoy it, I had the opportunity to witness a great software UI. While diagnosing me the doctor pressed some keys, giving the system information need for billing I am sure (well, and the file). He then handed me over to his […]
The Segway represents innovation in personal transportation. Airtrax might just do that for industrial transportation. Check out the video! Amazing. Technorati Tags: Segway, Airtrax, Transportation
“At Amerex, he said, the I.M. system is more mission-critical than the phone system.” “e-mail is woefully inadequate for guaranteed message delivery, and clumsy when it comes to conducting business in real time.” “All of which means the end could be near for business voice mail, as more and more companies adopt instant messaging.” Quotes […]