A couple of days ago I wrote about the mobile-macs.de plattform. With the upcoming surge of Apple notebooks (once the new MacBook is out) the need will be even greater for quality help and as we in the blogosphere have learned, helping each other for free is a great concept (finally a place that can […]
and boy do they need it, being down 0-3 against the New Jersey Devils.I lived in New Jersey for a year, in the township of Montclair, which got mentionened in a recent Blogspotting Podcast, but have always favored the Rangers. So in a valiant effort to jinx the Devils I have decided to leave my […]
Very interesting discussion, again on Djure’s blog, about whether PR-people, agencies or companies themselves should disclose their IDs, respectively their IPs. Or if it’s ok to move “in silence” to prevent feedback like “oh, I saw you. All of you. Welcome. So what’s your position?” Yes, it’s in German. Have a look. Technorati Tags: pr, […]
Nothing new really, but the beginning of the week really got me upset.Despite the million-Euro businesses behind mainstream media companies, they do still have a responsibility. So when there is a terrorist attack and Germany’s biggest newspaper runs the headline, "How I tricked Who wants to be a Millionaire", I begin to wonder.Are they not […]
Not another effort to sell a weblog. Not at all. Just a statement. During the Easter weekend the German blogosphere had another "incident". Somebody picked up an image from a blog without checking the rights and since a blog you might or might not call A-list (depending on whether you believe in A-lists or not) […]
I am not sure. Did I mention here that there is a new German plattform called mobile-macs.de? It promises to be everything the mobile mac-user can ask for. It started in March with a blog and followed with a wiki. Go have a look. Technorati Tags: mobile-macs, apple, cellphone, mobilephone, wiki