Nothing new really, but the beginning of the week really got me upset.
Despite the million-Euro businesses behind mainstream media companies, they do still have a responsibility.
So when there is a terrorist attack and Germany’s biggest newspaper runs the headline, "How I tricked Who wants to be a Millionaire", I begin to wonder.
Are they not following the real news? Is there really nothing bigger to report than a boring story about what happened in a TV show?
And today the headline reads, "are German housewifes really that lazy?"
Give me a break. I wish Jeff Jarvis were here. Come on guys, everybody, let’s cry foul here.
Yesterday the evening news on my radio station was a follows:
"Doctors plan to push their strike to the next level – even during the World Cup in the summer"
Really, is that news? Only because the World Cup is mentioned. And what a threat, everybody is shivering
The second piece I have already forgotton and the third one was, that three-time world soccer MVP Zidane plans to retire after the
World Cup.
Oh please. That’s nothing for the evening news. What about Israel, Iran, Egypt? You want local? Plenty of stuff: How about the world’s leading industrial technology trade show in Hannover? Show some new invention, raise the mood.
Or the political situation? Or the situation for parents in Germany? Or the progress of the coalition?
Who is editing these news? No wonder Germany fails in PISA-studies when all you get is conformed, uninteresting stuff day in, day out.
1 Comment
But then, when you talk to journalists and they tell you that they get a lot of their news and background information from google, you stop wondering pretty soon. In addition: I personally do NOT want to hear another piece on parents in Germany. Maybe we should open our own newsroom.