Thanks to Nico, I now have one, too. Technorati Tags: sticker, notebook
If you consider my background this was titled as to be most interesting to me. Die Zeit journalist Albrecht Ude, Edelman Germany CEO Cornelia Kunze, Mabber CEO Nico Lumma and Wolfgang Lünenbürger-Reidenbach of the media monitoring agency Ausschnitt. After a slow start it turned into a civil discussion of blogger vs. journalists and Ude (the […]
Dave didn’t like it, Ted did. I thought it was alright. I really enjoyed the book, didn’t expect too much and thought Tom Hanks was a good fit.However, the actor didn’t make the movie. As with Apollo 13 or Titanic, I had the problem of knowing how it’ll end.In this case, it took some of […]
The first panel, very informal, very social. It probaly didn’t live up to many attendees’ expectations. The subtitle “why web 2.0 gives people a voice” was not proven wrong, but not really discussed either. The more experienced podcasters on the panel were unhappy about MSM “poluting” e.g. iTunes with second-use content. My thought on this […]
As it is supposed to, the Keynote set the agenda for the day, a day of missed opportunities in my opinion. Christiane zu Salm held the keynote and talked mostly about herself, her recent tour of web 2.0 companies in the States, her being excited, her company FON. I got disinterested when she got her […]
Yesterday was loads of fun. Travel to Cologne Fair was short and easy and I was met by a shuttle-bus. Accreditation went flawless and within minutes I was provided with another bag I’ll never use and coffee. The medienforum looked like a nice-enough location, personally I think they need to do something with their carpets […]