If you consider my background this was titled as to be most interesting to me. Die Zeit journalist Albrecht Ude, Edelman Germany CEO Cornelia Kunze, Mabber CEO Nico Lumma and Wolfgang Lünenbürger-Reidenbach of the media monitoring agency Ausschnitt. After a slow start it turned into a civil discussion of blogger vs. journalists and Ude (the journalist) was surprisingly open, only when it came to subjects as research and credibility he seemed to think that bloggers were not there yet. That’s the whole dilemma of course, since many bloggers choose not to be there to begin with.
One of the questions asked was whether bloggers influence journalists and Ude acknoledged he does read a lot of blogs, but added, that that is due to his area of expertise, namely IT and security.
The word “paradigm shift” was missing from this panel, thank god, but Ms. Kunze agreed with Lumma (and me) that influence on the indivual by MSM is decreasing, replaced by personal recommendation. Therefore blogs and blog authors who are often trusted by their readers are going to have a role in future media plans.
I liked on this panel, that the term “relevance” didn’t need to be defined. There was no unnecessary discussion about page impressions, subscription figures, it showed that all panelists had done their homework.
Check out part 1, 2, and 3, if you want to.
Technorati Tags: podcastday2006, pr, classical media, msm