Yesterday, Interactive Advertising Bureau and Pricewaterhouse Coopers published a study which shows that Internet advertising revenues increase 6 % in Q1 2006 (for a total of $ 3.9 billion) compared to Q4 2005 and 38 % compared to Q1 2005. “The Internet continues to shape the media landscape as more advertising dollars are going online,” […]
Did I miss something? Since when? Ads on the right side of my Gmail? Not sure if I like that… Technorati Tags: gmail, google, ads, adwords
Planet sab proudly presents a rare moment of cat content…(via fscklog) Technorati Tags: cat content
Via Moleskinerie came Dave Bullock’s claim that you can’t open a bottle of beer with a Moleskine.I beg to differ, as Neville was my witness (I opened both his and mine at Podcastday2006). You just have to place a finger directly under the edge of the Moleskine and choose a spot closer to the spine.However, […]
In the end, the most interesting panel, most likely because the panelists’ opinions were farthest away from each other. Much about Peter Kabel (JvM) has been written else where. The other panelists were Alex Wunschel from, among others, Pimp my Brain, Dieter Rappold, Knallgrau and Patrick Breitenbacher, Werbeblogger. The moderator was best prepared and was […]
I didn’t write anything in my blog. I happily wrote my name next to somebody else‘s. Technorati Tags: anniversary