One of the things I don’t like about Second Life yet is that I have several people I want to talk to, but unless I have met them online I can’t add them to my buddy list. Well, if you are trying to find me, I am sitting on the only seat at the FIR […]
I am not writing this to bash technorati. I use it almost every day. However, the rankings mean almost nothing to me. Almost every day you can read about a blogger complaining to technorati about not-updated links and everytime the Technorati 100 is altered there is a yankeedoodle going on about who, how, and why. […]
In a past issue of German magazine “WirtschaftsWoche” (comp. Business Week) was an article about a “battle of disciplines” in which students of different subjects (economics vs. physicists) had to try to improve Google.One of the groups “identified the decisive weakness immediately: The elusive internet surfer. The surfer needs to spend more time on the […]
Finally, some business related content again:I am proud to report that over at the bellobene blog we just got our first order via the blog. At the outset, stimulating orders was not the main priority, but we are of course more than happy with this development.
So I played around with Second Life today and searched for SandBox – of course I am looking to build something and I read somewhere I should search for Sandbox. First thing that caught my eyes was Berkman Island, and low and behold, there I was at the conference venue for the conference my RSS […]
Amazing, the results when people let their imagination take over.Watch the Video, via Spreeblick. Technorati Tags: desktop