I am not writing this to bash technorati. I use it almost every day.
However, the rankings mean almost nothing to me. Almost every day you can read about a blogger complaining to technorati about not-updated links and everytime the Technorati 100 is altered there is a yankeedoodle going on about who, how, and why.
Sure, the service should work and blog posts analyzed to make them searchable. But the rankings?
I don’t care that much about rankings and how many links I have. (I do look at my stats, but merely for referrers.)
It is the old media thinking, the thinking we want to move beyond.
It is not really important how many people link to me or read my blog, or your site for that matter. It is important who reads. (Of course, the whole construct is not important)
What do the Technorati 100 do for me? They tell me that some Japanese myspace site is the most linked to and this other guy’s site is read a lot as well, but Mr. X has dropped out? Maybe – just maybe, if you are in this space for money, it has some value for your business, but ultimately it is a comparison of apples and oranges, cause you’ll have a hard time finding someone who is interested in, say 50 of the top 100.
And, as I have heard somebody say, links are dead anyway.
Technorati Tags: techorati