Letzten Freitag war ich in Hamburg auf dem Social Web Breakfast im East Hotel. Klaus Eck und Kongress Media hatten eingeladen, Mark Pohlmann hielt einen “10-minütigen” Einführungsvortrag über “Dialog/Kommunikation mit Mavens”. Im Folgenden ergab sich eine interessante Diskussion über Zielgruppen/Wertegemeinschaften. Eine These aus dem Publikum war, dass ein Maven für die Kommunikation mit BMW M-Klasse […]
The first couple of games are played, time to find out where I (living in Europe) have access to (live) footage. 1. The Web 2.0 way is Joost. Available there are Classic Games, quite a number of games from the 2007 playoffs, and a channel called Versus. Versus is a channel that supposedly will cover […]
So, where is my sponsor you wonder? Well, it turns out that life isn’t all that plannable with a toddler or, more to the point, the kid is way more important to me than finding a sponsor (you may have noticed also, that post-ratio has gone down in the last 8 weeks). Ergo, I have […]
Many of you know that I host the video podcast "The Speaking English Podcast", been doing so for months now. Inspired by the recent undertakings of Chief Interruptor Joseph Jaffe and Tim Coyne, I am going back to the teachings of Steve Pavlina and of course Lisa Haneberg (I was part of her inaugural 2 […]