Just a quick note in between:
This year I did not post any goals or resolutions. They exist, rest assured, but they are few, some of them with consequences if reached, and not all yet for everybody to chew.
As I alter decisions, behavior, priorities now to reach goals by the end of the year, one thing becomes obvious which is not new, but hard to act on:
When you decide to focus on one thing and not do another it is important to weigh on the future of what’s left behind. Are you putting it away for good? Then get rid of it. Don’t leave it on your list and shift it from page to page (or let Teuxdeux do it for you). Often it’s much healthier and has more impact on your productivity if you get rid of it. It will free you mind and lift the burden off your shoulders. Easy example? I had about three months of “brand eins”, an exceptional German business magazine, only partially read or brand new on a pile. Every time I moved the chair with that pile it stared at me, haunting me to act on it. Same as the cell phone art project.
Not any more.
Room freed up to focus on the big picture.