Shortlist for 2012, see this article for background.
+=reading now
dnf=did not finish
Well, some readers have asked about reviews. I am not going to manage one for each book but maybe one-liners…
10 Days to faster reading: It took me almost 10 months. Why? Because it got boring after a while and I did make as much progress. There are some basic concepts though that did increase speed.
Home Ice: Great anecdotes on the sport of hockey.
Steve Jobs bio: missed opportunity
Eric Ries: Really great insights, highly recommended.
Gentlemen wir leben am Abrund: Review.
Halberstam: Playing for keeps. Great read, Halberstam is a great writer.
Eschbach: Ich mag das Buch, auch wenn mich das Ende jedes Mal enttäuscht.
Altucher: A wee bit overrated, a bit too much fluff.
Predictable Success: Very interesting concept, going to read the follow-up in 2013.
Cuban: I actually don’t remember it :-/
The Flinch: good but I liked Chapman better.
Tough shit: short but too long after the initial story
Art of the Pitch: highly recommended, great anecdotes and also some sensible advice
Heroine Diaries: loved it
Fifty Shades of Grey: read it, get over it.
Big Short: loved it, going to read more be Lewis.
Sammy Hagar: interesting life, no doubt.
Keith Richards big: never listened to the Stones before, will do now
Amazing thing will happen: loved it
Rosinenbrötchen: wahrscheinlich noch lustiger, wenn man das Blog nicht kennt, aber es war für viele U-Bahnfahrer wohl sehr lustig, mir beim Lesen zu zu schauen
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