I am loving it, and I bet John Buccigross too. With the adventthepresence of video content, reporting can evolve and is evolving. In a recent column on ESPN.com, one of my favorite NHL writers, John Buccigross, gave a detailed account of how Phil Kessel scored a goal, and how he (Bucci) thought that was an […]
Zum Thema Nils Annen Nico Lumma: Die beiden zeigen allerdings auch, dass die sozialdemokratische Lust an der Demontage der Partei unvermindert weiter geht. Zum Thema Lutz Heilmann hat Nico auch geschrieben, auch lesenswert. Ich für meinen Teil finde, Heilmann hätte sich kaum ein größeres Armutszeugnis ausstellen können. Sein Antrag zeigt einmal mehr, wie realitätsfern viele […]
As you know I am a huge hockey fan. The concept of free-agency (restricted and unrestricted) is part of contracts in the NHL (also in other major league sports leagues). When you are a restricted free agent (RFA), you contract is not at an end, but can be re-negotiated when certain points (age, performance) are […]
As I said in the previous post, Hot, Flat, and Crowded, the new book by Thomas L. Friedman, is on my reading & wish list. It is there for two reasons, the topic and the author. Not because of the marketing. Ever since I got into bestseller lists a bit for my M.A. thesis, I […]
As I said in the previous post, Hot, Flat, and Crowded, the new book by Thomas L. Friedman, is on my reading & wish list. It is there for two reasons, the topic and the author. Not because of the marketing. Ever since I got into bestseller lists a bit for my M.A. thesis, I […]
work in a book store. Or better, live in a bookstore. Thursday I went to the Thalia bookstore in Hamburg’s Europapassage, first time there with time. And browsed just the English section. So soothing, glancing at the covers with the head slightly tilted. Picking out books that kindled my interest, reading over some paragraphs. I […]