(This post is going to be totally and only about me, consider yourself warned) About 10 years ago I bought my first domain (which I just got a cancellation notice for from DENIC – which is another story), since 2004 I have been writing weblogs. I don’t think I have written an entry on and […]
This is a great diagramme outlining the “value of information”, as Oliver of Information Architects Japan, puts it. This is one of several attempts popping up this week to visualize information and our place in it. The accompanying blog post is worth reading although you’ll need a couple of minutes.
10 Principles That Might Make Your Work Better or May Make It Worse • AisleOne 5 Tips for Stranded Evangelists • HarvardBusiness.org Interview with Jordan Rudess • CrunchGear.com New York poised for tech revival • cdixon.org Where social media and innovation intersect • smartblog on social media Delicious Ambiguity • Hybrid Culture Be prepared for your […]
There was an article by Mitch Joel this week, opening with tongue-in-cheek/cynical “it’s all about me, me, me”, talking about Social Media. Christopher Penn answered with some Ninja-tips on how to beat “Social Media Narcissism, most prominently a quote from the movie Batman: “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines […]
Da hab ich neulich für Timo meine 5 Lieblingsromane aufgeschrieben und hinterher festgestellt, dass die Hälfte fehlt. Hier nun also Teil 2: 6. Jack London – Call of the Wild (Wenn die Natur ruft): Eine Buch, dass sich zwar gut an 1-2 Tagen lesen lässt, die mich aber meine ganze Jugend über fasziniert hat (mündliche […]
Diese Woche ging Folge #120 vom Speaking English Podcast online. Kaum zu glauben, dass ich das ganze schon seit drei Jahren und einem Monat mache. Auch bei Kanal 14 ist wieder Aktivität, in den letzten Wochen gingen zwei Book Reviews online (mit der Leseliste bin ich übrigens richtig gut am Start!), mit Büchern von Hugh […]