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In the past weeks I have become more and more alienated with Facebook, predominantly due to the piss-poor “friends”-management settings the new release has. Piss-poor. There is still a rant coming on that. Fast forward to todays story in the Silicon Alley Insider about Facebook’s history and more. Asked to comment on certain allegations Facebook […]
This Week in Startups #42 was great and filled with lots of insights until Robertson talked about Global Warming. How can he say it’s not worth it to put immediate effort into saving natural ressources and trying to market alternatives? Especially with his standing I’d argue he has a responsibility to be careful how hard […]
Continuing going to rant-school. Today: Why is it seemingly so difficult to deliver NHL content on the mobile phone in a way that makes sense to the people who consume that content? How I wish people at, Vaynermedia,, and Yahoo were listening…
Hillarious! Say yes to Twitter from Marcus Brown on Vimeo. The quote is at around 2:20. Found on Tapio Liller’s posterous.
Mehrfach brach die geliebte Gattin gestern in lautes Gelächter aus; immer, wenn sie sich an die Herzdamengeschichte Die wichtigste Mahlzeit des Tages erinnerte, auf die ich sie gegen Mittag hingewiesen hatte. Immer wieder gluckerte sie “Hab ich gefrühstückt. Mit Brot.” Die kleinen Freuden. Nachtruhe. Die Kinder schlafen, ich auch schon fast, da bricht es noch […]