All links here. Aside from that, highly inspirational. There should be pictures on flickr at one point…
Ich hätte da so einige Ideen zur Verkehrserziehung. Und ja, ich bin vollkommen darauf vorbereitet, wieder Kommentare zu bekommen wie: “über so was denkst du nach”, “hast du zuviel zeit” etc.
If you have been following me and my musical tastes for a while you know that I am into Bleu, a rocker from Boston who the brother of my Montclair host mom used to play guitar with. Last year, “Watched Pot”, some years in the making (or rights holdup), finally came out and he’s been […]
So schrieb ich gestern im WBN-Blog. Inklusive Widget, auf dem mein Sohn zu sehen ist…
I actually paused, rewound and listened again. She sitting there gettin liquored up at the bar. She say’s it’s quicker to count the things that ain’t wrong with you than to count the things that are. There’s a seven disc cd changer in her car, and I’m in every single slot, and you’re not. Aww. […]