I have confessed on Moe’s Blog(German) that I have used social bookmarking mostly in my direction so far. I store my bookmarks. Sometimes I browse the buzz lists, but I don’t bookmark in order to share something, I bookmark in order to find something myself at a later time. Danny Sullivan looks at an older […]
Everybody working in communications, are you REALLY aware of the power of blogs? As for example Robert Scoble has pointed out, in times of RSS-reader readers, a lot depends on the headline. I more than second that. I have another blog at Pöbler.de in which I mostly complain about the failings of companies in terms […]
I have played around with various weblogs quite a bit in the last days and have come to the conclusion that TypePad has one of the best services. However, I have yet to find the provider that has everything I want. Why can’t I have a different “author” page for each weblog?
After reading the Edelman/Intelliseek report “Trust MEdia” (via For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report) I am wondering, if Edelman Germany is already working on a translation. This white paper should be recommended reading for everybody working in communications, most importantly those people who still do not know what a blog is. One complaint […]
Originally I had planned to go to the ::FIWM:Content Bizz:: with the topic “Weblogs, Audioblogs and Podcasting”. Turns out it was restricted to members of the FIWM. After listening to the podcast on markendreiklang auf tellerrand and reading Klaus Eck’s presentation I have to say, I would have been dissatisfied. I am at a stage […]
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