…companies would be completly truthful to their customers. Lee and Dan have done it again and created hilarious ad’s for the upcoming election in the UK. (via AdLand)
Moe zitiert Jochen Wegner’s Blog-Eintrag zu seinem Les Blogs-Vortrag. Deutschland hat keine Impact-Blogs? Erstens, wie definiert Herr Wegner das? Und zweitens gibt es doch sehr wohl Blogs, die viel gelesen werden. Meines Erachtens ist es logisch, dass technikaffine Blogs wie z. B. IT&W mehr Leser haben als andere, denn Blogs sind ja noch etwas für […]
I could call myself an early adopter which is not really a challance: just watch what happens in the US and copy it. I really like Hugh’s cartoons and was looking for a t-shirt so I ordered one of his new line (two, actually). Today, Rosie O’Donnell announced on formerlyROSIE that she will have t-shirts […]
When Adobe aquired Macromedia there was of course a press release. Here you can read what Adobe really was trying to say. Great stuff.
In February I wrote about a bad ad. Today an employee of the advertised company must have seen the post on Google and wrote a nice comment, promising me a real-size poster which I will of course collect and discuss with him. His response displayed a great deal of sense though, accepting the critique and […]
I said it before, headlines are fucking up Google search results big time. A while ago I pointed out a nice quote from Dave Winer’s Morning Coffee Notes. Usually my blog has about 4 visits per day, not counting those who sub to the feed (note to self: get the feedburner feed implemented in the […]