Schon seit fast einer Stunde gibt es auf nichts zu sehen.
I got home around ten with a cramped jaw after a tough day which included oversleaping, undersugaring, oversugaring, a lot of stress. Thanks to Steve Pavlina’s 30 Days to Success-challenge, I had to go running, also to get rid of the cramp in my jaw. What a great surprise to find the two Gapingvoid t-shirts […]
I don’t want to hype anything, but IceRocket and Rocketboom are definitely two websites to watch. IceRocket is yet another project by Marc Cuban and such a great search enginge that I could not help but leave a complimenting comment on his blog. Now, if somehow could just modify my Safari browser that the Google […]
Wenn der e-Market-Newsletter das neue Celebrity-Blog The Huffington Post als News verkündet, kann es nicht mehr lange dauern, bis Blogs in Deutschland nicht mehr ausgelacht werden. Aus Konversationen mit anderen Kommunikatoren entnehme ich, dass die Blog-Szene interessiert verfolgt wird, der Marketingwert allerdings noch nicht sehr hoch eingeschätzt wird. Noch verständlich, obwohl ich es nach wie […]
About half a year ago, Micro Persuasion started to be a daily source and the root for research on “citizen media”. Part of that was an own blog, pö, part of was trying out various blogging platforms as well as various feed-readers, hours of reading RSS-feeds and learning who are the “voices” of the “citizen […]
Very interesting. Traffic on my two blogs has increased in the last couple of days, though not through linking but through Technorati tags. Thank you to whoever is responsible for that. UPDATE: Now that was just silly of me. It’s the categories of course, I realized two days later. Yet another way to put your […]