Shel and Neville from For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report talked about trust in one of the last podcasts. How blogs earn trust of their readers. One of the blogs I follow is Jason Calacanis’. With a lot of interest I read his post about the new Star Wars episode which he got […]
I will be away next week on my honeymoon, so the already light blogging of the last ten days will be even lighter. There will be more after that, I promise, especially since I am taking part in Lisa Hanebergs “2 Weeks 2 a Breakthrough” program starting on June 8th. Off to Paris I go.
Companice hat eine sehr interessante Theorie zu Marketinga(u)ktionen bei eBay. Da werde ich mal drüber schlafen müssen.
Via today’s Rocketboom-installment came part of the “stop Bolton”video. I was going to comment that, wondering what the blogosphere would make of it in general. However, a little IceRocketing makes me not do that. But today’s all-in-all very political edition makes me wish that it is here to stay.
The nice people at IceRocket are taking advantage of their own product. With the full set of searches available as RSS feeds, they must be “listening” to their own name: I received an e-mail from IceRocket CEO Blake Rhodes which I am going to quote here (after getting permission of course): “I just wanted to […]
Thanks to a very nice person at Six Apart my blog made an evolutionary step today, soon to be followed by further developments. One important thing: I finally managed to incorporate the new RSS feed. Please change your subscription. Next thing on my list: Different “Author” pages for my various blogs. One thing shows: Typepad […]