Finally! Tomorrow at high noon is going live (and I will be sure to remind everybody of it). After a long time of decisions, revisions, questions, tweaks and archive testing, WBN is proud to re-enter the online-world. We have opted for a no compromise, no fancy flash approach which we hope will inform and […]
Constantin Basturea takes notice of and comments on Ketchum’s announcement of a blogging practive. I agree with Neville that it is an excellent dissection of their press release and worth reading. However, I think it is something else: It is a good example for great blog post: Constantin did not just find a link and […]
The agency I work for is not yet ready to announce anything close to a “blogging practice”, first we have to get our website running and hundreds of other things of the ground. However, this week I gave an internal presentation on weblogs and we are working on at least two presentations at the moment […]
CooperKatz’s Steve Rubel today published the 10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations. 1) Thou shall listen – Utilize every avenue available to you to listen actively to what your publics have to say and feed it back to the right parties. 2) Remember that all creatures great and small are holy – […]
Currently, I am taking part in the 2Weeks2aBreakthrough-program. Part of it is the “daily practice”: Tell two people your goal, take two actions to support your goal, make two requests to support your goal. My goal is to implement a more time-efficient working structure and to write the concepts/strategy papers on my to-do-list. However, after […]
Der Fischmarkt erinnert an Craigslist, die Seite, die komisch aussieht, unglaublich viele Visits hat und wie ein NY Times Artikel zeigt, unglaublich wächst (siehe Fischmarkt). Ist Craigslist vielleicht eine gelingende Umsetzung Marktes beim dem es nicht um Geld geht? Mir war die Seite bisher zu unschön. Ich werde mir aber die Hamburgseite mal anschauen.