In the aftermath of my hard drive’s head crash I am surfing like a wild man to collect the 170 something feeds. I noticed that Tigers RSS auto-detection often just finds the “basic”-rdf. If bloggers have an own feed e.g. from feed-burner, Safari Tiger will still take the basic feed (like Anybody notice the […]
Very interesting how perception changes. Had a hard drive head-crash two days ago. Lost about 1000 emails, some of my address book, some files but nothing life-threating – and a lot of my thinking revolves around “how am I going to get my 180 RSS-feeds back together…” More on the crash later.
Shel Holtz has introduced a new feature on his weblog, comments in the RSS-feed. I think this is a major breakthrough for conversations, because very often a post comes alive in the comments. It seems like his posts are republished with every new comment which makes it even cooler I think. If I remember correctly, […]
It has been quiet. After I completed the 2Weeks2aBreakthrough, or actually during it, I was busy organizing my move down south. Lisa’s input actually helped a lot, because my goal was to better organize my time. The essence would be, stick to your plan. Well, moving involves a lot of planning and doing it alongside […]
Quoting from #49, I am pleased to announce that WBN is online. Again, comments are welcome.
Today I received an email, inviting me for the TypePad Text Ad Service. It is similar to Google Ads and available to Pro-Account-holders only at the moment. Text Ads are implemented through Kanoodle, the set-up is done through the “account info” ticket. (also found on Spreeblick)