Via Howard Rheingold’s Smart Mobs site comes this very original flickr-based smart mob, ‘invented’ by Jane McGonigal. How to Serve the Ministry of Reshelving %u2013 dedicated to the proper classification of fiction and nonfiction texts 1. Select a local bookstore to carry out your reshelving activities. 2. Download and print “This book has been relocated […]
iSchmidt is not a Podcast. It is listed in the ‘audio book’ category, you cannot subscribe and it is not free. While I don’t care much about the implications for national public TV discussed on if ARD makes money with ‘iSchmidt’, I would care if Harald Schmidt were jumping on the podcasting boom and […]
Very interesting post on Seth’s blog: Here’s one paragraph: And finally, leaving the bank, I saw the most amazing interaction (yes, this is true.) A woman is first in line. She’s withdrawing $1,000 from her account. The teller pushes away from the desk and goes and gets her signature card (this is a neighborhood bank) […]
Anders at the random show created a cool movie, laying plazes over Google Earth – Home. (via Mario Sixtus) As some of you know, I am taking pictures when traveling with my Gapingvoid t-shirts. (By the way, Hugh, why is the counter next to the shirts gone? I thought it was kind of cool to […]
I read crime novels to reward myself after stressful and intense times. I really like David Baldacci and began reading
Note: With this post I am forfeiting my chance to beta-test Mindjet, since I cannot talk about beta-testing Mindjet when a beta-tester. Dear Mindjet, I signed up for beta-testing because I cannot wait to get my hands on a Mac version of your programm. I do not know whether it will save the universe but […]