Quite a busy time, I have been travelling. However, before leaving I had one of the most productive Saturday’s since the beginning of time. I breazed through what seems more than one and a half pages of to-do’s in my Moleskine. It definitely made me feel better about leaving my home office for two days. […]
Well, conosco certainly got under Martin Roell’s skin today. Interestingly, I immediately knew what agency he would be mentioning after the headline “Macromedia mit Flex 2 und Flash Player 8.5 auf der Web 2.0-Konferenz” , because I reed conosco’s feed and they do post quite a lot about Macromedia. Apparently, Martin who I’d consider a […]
Apparently Steve Rubel had a similar problem. Couldn’t help but notice however, that he got a six month extension, compared to Martin who received a 12 month-extension. Of course, it’s the gesture that counts. (or Steve has a more expensive account)
Over at Fischmarkt I found a piece about crisis management. Apparently, there was a problem with Six Apart’s servers due to which Fischmarkt lost some data. The response was immediate, almost before they noticed the problem themselves. First he received an email by Heiko Hebig from Six Apart Europe. A little later, an email from […]
Dr. Jan Schmidt, whom I met briefly at the recent Weblogs, Podcasting & Videojournalism-conference has initiated an online survey. Great survey and it seems to be very fruitful: Just a day after the launch he has already close to 1000 entries. Way to go. A little anecdote. During the above mentioned conference he gave everybody […]
In contrast to the usual “light blogging ahead”-message I would like to explain why I did not blog that much lately: I just did not have the time. Apart from work, there was a lot of preparation on the private side. On Monday morning 7am my wife embarged on a two-month-trip to Jerusalem, Israel to […]