I was away on the weekend, visiting my mother in the North, also visiting the agency’s main office in Hamburg. On the way I was able to work on my piled up podcasts and audio books. Let’s see, I listened to tapes of Jack London’s "Call of the wild", to Seth Godin’s All Marketers are […]
Many strategies we use imitate animals, just think of martial arts or design, many of Luigi Colani’s solutions for cars, airplanes etc. stem from adaption of animal behaviour. Likewise, the animal kingdom serves as inspiration for modern communication: networks (spiders), bats… I recently was witness to a much more direct example of communication, one which […]
"If you plant rice, rice will grow. If you plant fear, fear will grow." Kwai Chang Caine If you plant trust and honesty…
If you are interested in marketing at all you are probably reading the Creating Passionate Users blog. There is a lot learn there. I would put it like this: Ask not what your customer can do for you, ask what you can do for your customer.
Via vowe dot net comes this great Microsoft motivation video. I like the backrest-flip best, utterly funny. However, Scoble behind the camera would have done a much better job, and you kind of miss his laugh, too. Technorati: Microsoft, scoble, video, fun
Before I add the feed, email and maybe plazes icon to the left sidebar (feed and email above About, plazes under Skype status) and the flickr batch above recent comments, how do you like the design so far? Yes, the banner will be somewhat different, but nothing red or blue. And, should I make the […]