"Where do you see yourself in five years?" I am sure this question rings familiar with a lot of readers from their own experience, either from asking it or from being asked. I have problems with that question. If I really want the job I should probably answer, "I intend to prove myself as a […]
In June I had the opportunity to participate in Lisa Haneberg’s "2Weeks2aBreakthrough"-program. The good news for everybody out there: There will be another round in January. Do you need a jump start? I can recommend this program without hesitation, meanwhile Lisa has explained, that she has improved the program: -Better, more complete preparation workbook.-Daily […]
After some 400 transactions on eBay, I am getting more and more frustrated. Who did I buy that trading card from? When did I sell my guitar? How much did I pay for these pair of shoes? So much information. “Auction data is available for 90 days.” I want it all, and searchable.
Arecent post on the Basic Thinking Blog led me to opusforum, a page that is looking a lot like the well known craigslist. It’s not really Job Search 2.0 technology, though very user-friendly. And we like user-friendly.
When a job seeker is filling out online application forms, often it is the category "skills" which makes him or her wish for more options. On offer are usually categories like "languages", "computer languages" and "MS Office", as well as corresponding attributes like "basic", advanced" or "expert".Though I know this is a standard procedure, I […]
If I lived in the US I would use SimplyHired.com. "Job Search Made Simple." And there is another idea for a business in Germany.