As a former student of literature (which involved linguistics as well) and politically interested person, too, I am surprised that G’day World � Blog Archive � G’Day World “On The Pod” with Noam Chomsky received almost no attention. I recommend downloading it although it is only 30 minutes, not enough to get deep into any […]
The cell phone profiler: I think the first-ever edition of the Gillmor Gang I listened to was the Attention Gang. I was in Sweden and listened to Seth Godin complain about the hassle of being available almost 24/7 nowadays. And I thought, well one of the problems is that cell phone profiles are really limited. […]
Before I went to sleep last night I realized that the dream jobs I listet were all full-time which I think gives the wrong impression. Please understand it as fields of interest (although I would consider working there full-time of course). Today I want to share some ideas I had in the last months (please […]
Steve Rubel has Five Blog Reading Hacks. I especially like the first one. With IceRocket you can subscribe to individual categories of a blog. This gives you all posts from Joseph Jaffe’s blog categorized under "Creativity". If you were looking, let’s say, for all posts be Sebastian Keil about the topic of "job search" you […]
Les Blogs 2.0 was on Monday and Tuesday. For me as non-attendee it will be known for the backchannel incident. It is being discussed at length (I agree with Liz Lawley: It’s also worth saying that there’s a difference between saying that a speaker’s remarks are bullshit, and saying that a person is an asshole. […]
One of the – often overlooked – "simple" things in life is asking a question or putting forth a request. When push comes to shove people tend to shy away. Obviously, I am not going to do that. The thing about asking is, you might just get it. The worst thing that can happen is […]