For about a week now I had this little bit by Lisa at Management Craft in an open tab: What happens when you spend a lot of time looking up to ensure the birds don’t poop on your head? They poop in your eyes. Certainly something Kwai Chang Caine might have said, if he had […]
Well, duh. I just listened to some old stuff, Doc Searls On the Pod with Cameron Reilly. After more than one year of listening to podcasts it still amazes me. The content. The quality. The openness. The interconnectivity. And it is for free. If I were a student now, imagine how much more resources I’d […]
Shel & Neville talked about Lewis PR doing well with the "Whale watching blog" in one of their last show. Folliwing closely, Neville reports thatEdelman PR will launch a podcast, hosted by Phil Gomes. Great stuff. I was a regular listener of Phil’s podversations which were great, so it was a no-brainer to subscribe. By […]
Says the telegraph (via Payday for Steve Jobs. What does that mean for the industry? I can’t predict. I just read the other day, that Jobs wouldn’t sell Pixar without Apple, but maybe the pundits were wrong. So, I’d rather let the pundits take their guesses first. The movie industry isn’t really my territory.
Lisa has a nice 2-part bit about job descriptions and definitions. One thing that I feel quite strong about from the perspective of the job seeker: If you don’t understand every word in the description, you are most likely not qualified for the job…
Last week I had a lot on my plate with three interviews, one presentation and a lot of travel. Ultimately too much it seems as I screwed up on a great interview with Martin Roell on the question, what can companies do with weblogs which he had discussed on his site. Unfortunately, I only recorded […]