First time I had this happen to me. An e-mail from the Squidoo-support team had this final line: This email is: [ ] bloggable [ x ] ask first [ ] private I expect to see this more often…
Oh boy, I had envisioned bloggers switching providers, but todays news is certainly a step forward. Björn from the German Edelman office just called me with breaking news (he knows I am not sitting in front of my feeds at the moment) about Steve Rubel: After five years at CooperKatz, I felt it was time […]
The newest episode of earSHOT, the podcast from PR-agency Edelman (the world’s largest independent PR-firm) offers great insight for every marketer operating internationally. It present{s} a talk that President & CEO Richard Edelman gave to the agency’s New York City office about the seventh annual Trust Barometer survey. Host Phil Gomes also offers a great […]
Very often successful people have a story to tell. And the not yet successful should be happy that many of the successful bunch are willing to share these days. Since I am a big hockey fan I am quite pleased with sites like hockeybuzz of course, but even more with Guy Kawasaki and Ted Leonsis‘ […]
Yesterday I was at the AMBIENTE in Frankfurt, the world’s largest consumer-goods fair. I accompanied a team from bellobene, one of my clients, to get to know current and future products. Interestingly enough, I had no trouble finding a free computer terminal. Even more, representatives of the vendors were the geeks, many of them sporting […]
I haven’t seen anything yet, so I ask myself: Are there any plans? Are you coming? Let’s meet.