The domain is currently not available. I am not sure why, I did pay the bills. More on that as it develops. The blog is available directly here, though.
I can’t really clear enought time (or just, I don’t do it), to write something long so just a quick note. Yesterday, my wife got to check one of the items on her to-do-list. The annual report of the Fest, came out, including an article written by her. This week, Steve Gillmor has opened the […]
I am very busy these days, therefore very light blogging. Yesterday I was running late from a clients office, hoping to catch a train. However, I was also hungry, hoping to get a sandwich at the kiosk next close to the tracks. The guy working there was standing outside smoking when I approached. I started […]
I am playing around with 30 boxes at the moment, looking for an online solution since I am on various machines at the moment. I thought it would be perfect if I could integrate this with my google homepage, having calendar and gmail at a glance. However, the 30 boxes RSS feed just gets you […]
German mac-users are excited due to the launch of a new plattfrom: mobile-macs.deEnabled by O2, the site comes with blog and wiki and hopes to offer solutions for the various needs of mac-users who want to do something with their mac and cell-phone. Something to watch out for, for sure, I can think of several […]
planet sab was launched. (Finally I can use Dave Winer’s great category myself.) Happy Birthday to me. It also means that I have been blogging for more than a year on my other blog (in German).My first posts dealt with corporate blogging which is still a hot topic, especially now that I have launched one […]