Just three quick pointers:To promote his recent album Super Colossal guitarist Joe Satriani used podcasts and vidcasts.Actress Darryl Hannah has a video blog on which she talks about environmental issues, for example bio diesel.Hollywood’s own Eric Schwarzman is talking to the NHL’s Senior VP of marketing, Bernadette Mansur, on the current edition of On the […]
Today marked the first episode of a new weekly podcast called Vier Nasen tanken Super.Heiko Hebig, Mario Sixtus, Nico Lumma and I talk about patents, TV-usage, the recent spam-wave and identity. There’s a warm-up phase while we all arrive, the meat starts around 4:30.Enjoy.
I am guessing Merlin will have an in-depth look at them.If you live in Germany, you can pre-order the upcoming 18-month Moleskine calendar with soft cover at bellobene. Technorati Tags: moleskine, calendar
Gerade bei Heiko gelesen und meinen Ort sofort gefunden. Scheint, als wäre die Ablösung für Stadtplandienst.de endlich da.Google Maps
I haven’t seen Phil or Björn or other PR-bloggers aside from Steve Rubel mention this, (though he himself has it) so here it goes:Richard Edelman is a guest on the 3-part Syndicate Gang (1, 2, 3). Check it out.
I am working on a new card and debating which of my 5 IM channels I should mention.Any suggestions? Technorati Tags: businesscard, IM