Wednesday 2am: Game 7 of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals8am: German Post delivery guy brings package10am: UPS guy brings package, cell phone from repair – got an exchange12am: DPD guy brings package5.45pm: Germany scores three goals to win their group at the World Cup of Soccer Thursday9am: email from wife, I got another parcel (this […]
At the end of August, the peace researcher and I plan to go to Egypt. I’ll pick her up in Tel Aviv and then we’ll need to transfer to Cairo, go sightseeing for only 6-7 days (thus American style), and transfer back to Tel Aviv for the flight back to Düsseldorf, Germany. I have looked […]
Fellow blogger Björn Eichstädt sent me an e-mail this week, announcing that PONS has launched the PONSblog (with Michael Jackson blogging!) and the PONScast. The goal is to provide a platform for interactive English learning, and according to a PONS spokes person, additional languages shall be added in the future. Technorati Tags: pons, ponsblog, language, […]
With great interest I follow Daryl Hannah’s vlog; dhlovelife.Now her recent activities have even made the German news: She was forced down from a tree at the demonstration for the LA South Central Farm.Go watch her blog. Technorati Tags: dhlovelife, daryl hannah, south central farm
Be a sponge, watch and learn. Notizen aus der Provinz links to a great movie which shows off the graphics and intellectual possibilities of Second Life. Technorati Tags: second life
In case anybody missed Steve Rubel‘s tip for PR-professionals from a couple of weeks back:I just spent 10 minutes with Monitor This and have now 12×22 new Watchlists in my feed reader. Conincidentally, this comes on the eve of the decision to reduce my apprx. 200 non-watchlist feeds to 100 at most. I am still […]