Just another quick pointer: On award-winning guitar player Joe Satriani’s website satriani.com you can find yet another video podcast feed (after the one coinciding with the release of his latest album Super Colossal): The Satriani Road Podcast 2006, check it out. technorati tags:satriani, satch, video, podcast, videopodcast Blogged with Flock
So youtube-resembling services in German cannot only be found at sevenload but also at myvideo.de, which looks strikingly similar to youtube…Great video though, reminding me a bit of this one cinema ad for BILD-Zeitung.(via Cyberblog) technorati tags:video, youtube, sevenload, myvideo Blogged with Flock
Gmail let’s you have a signature, though only one. If, like I am doing, you handle multiple accounts through Gmail that’s a bummer. You could either choose the most likely signature, aka the one you need the most. Or, you could just put all your signatures into one. When you compose mails from the various […]
Aside from the feed, rights and content discussion, the design is just awful. Look at the Gillmor Gang’s site… Granted you only need to go to the site if you want to comment, but it seems to me that more focus was put on digging and tagging functionality than for the user actually being able […]
Anybody who has seen Good Will Hunting has heard of this book (or, you live in the US and have heard about it hopefully in your histor classes). Well, it is a great history book and finally available in German language through Schwarzerfreitag publishing. Check it out, it is a great book. (Will there be […]
Oliver just sent me another batch of people who needed Gmail invitations. And while fulfilling their "dreams" I thought, this is what Seth Godin is talking about in Unleashing the Idea Virus. You have to enable your users to spread the virus. Can it get more easy to invite new users to Gmail? Copy&Paste, it’s […]