More on podcasting. One of the first podcasts I ever listened to was G’day World from The Podcast Network. I don’t listen to every single episode but many. I am amazed that two recent episodes didn’t get more blogosphere ink yet. In #140 Ewan Spence (whom I had the pleasure of chatting with briefly on […]
Yesterday was a day of constant smiling, at least on my face. While checking the referrer stats for one of my projects, the bellobene blog, I saw somebody coming over from After some backchecking, I am happy, and a bit proud, to report that after only four months of blogging, you can see proof […]
I think it was at the end of last year when you could be part of an alpha test for the new browser Flock. I tried it, as have some others and – let’s say there were issue which made it not yet ready. Mario and Nico agreed on our recent Vier Nasen tanken Super […]
(see also this post from November 2005) 1. You can consume podcasts anywhere. While for me this often leads to overinformation, you SHOULD try it out (while doing dishes, walking the dog, working out…). 2. It improves your language skills immensely. You can listen to almost accent-free English on Steve Pavlina’s podcasts, Aussie English from […]
I will be in Hamburg at the end of this week, Thursday/Friday. Drop me a line if you want to hook up. And yes, the rumors are true 😉 – I will be live-blogging the Medien Meeting Mannheim on July, 20th. Confirmed speakers are Felix Holzapfel, concept bakery; Alfred Schommer, Schober Information Group; Marc Ziegler, […]
“It is rare to ask questions. It is even more rare, to listen to answers.” (Kwai Chang Caine, 1973) technorati tags:kungfu, wisdom, caine, ask Blogged with Flock