…I would take a close but distant look at the new numbers, youbube audience vs. TV-eyeballs and, ad impressions report from MarketingVox. And then I’d remember Jaffe’s words about the 30 second spot and do the following:Save on the big ad spending. Instead, get a week’s worth of Godin’s and Jaffe’s time and a number […]
Today, I used Garage Band 3 to edit some podcasts. Usually I open an old project, “save as” under a new name and be done. Today I started a new project and the prompt had the option “New Podcast Project”. After creating three episodes all I can say: it’s that easy. Integration of logos, chapters […]
Back from vacation the first thing Björn does is to make me work for him. “List your top five social media tools”. 1. Performancing for Flock. Sounds weird, right? Since one of the features of Flock is a blogging option. When I finally get around to write more about Flock I’ll explain. For the moment, […]
In case you wondering how my wife is doing, being that she is in Israel at the moment, thanks for the thought.She is in Jerusalem for the time being and will come home four weeks earlier due to the recent developments. However,she explains the situation much better than I can. Technorati Tags: israel, conflict, jerusalem
It was exciting to meet our newcoworkers; the workplace was brimming with new ideas, passionate energyand bright smiles. You know the kind of thrill when you start a newinspiring project and you just want to give it your hundred percent? Ididn’t see anyone with a bored, blasse look that you get from manyemployees at big […]