by 2010, traditional TV advertising will be one-third as effective as it was in 1990 real ad spending on prime-time broadcast TV has increased over last decade by about 40% even as viewers have dropped almost 50% (Teens) spend less than half as much time watching TV as typical adults do. Teens also spend 600% […]
If you needed any examples for Steve Gillmor’s Gesture Concept, listen to Joseph Jaffe and Seth Godin on Across the Sound #47 where they discuss among other things the question what technology might impact the future of marketing. Jaffe argues RFID which will result in a gesture trail (the RFID’d shopping cart collecting it – […]
Among the voices I have come to listen to in the last years of total immersement in the marketing/communication industrie and consequentially internet and blogosphere is Seth Godin’s. One of his key points is that you can only survive if you have a story to tell. You have to ask yourself “What is my story? […] pitches for Subway. Great idea, great execution. Have a look.Most likely we’ll see more of this in the future until overeager agencies have some stock material and forget what it’s really about: Creativity.(via Shel) Technorati Tags: agencydotcom, pitch, online, viral
Sorry for yet another self-promotional post. For the time being, there’s some advertising for my new podcast in Second Life… Technorati Tags: speakingenglishpodcast, secondlife, advertising, billboard
I have a blog (well two, actually), I am part of a podcast, getting my feet wet in Second Life, time for the next step: A video podcast:It is aimed at people who would like to improve their spoken English (non-native speakers of English, of course) and maybe get a chuckle out of my silly […]