Kermit Greenpeace says: Greenmyapple.Great site, I just wish the videos were hosted on youtube…And, how about Darryl Hannah pick this up?
The FIR fantasy league is created on Yahoo, just go to and sign up for league #65621 (which is called For Immediate Release FHL) if you are interested.The password is “sheville”.A live-draft is slated for Wednesday, September 27th, 10.30 pm CEST (that is 4.30pm in NYC and 1.30pm in L.A.), but if you can’t […]
With permission from Shel and Neville I will be putting together the For Immediate Release Fantasy Hockey League on Yahoo’s system. I have commissioned fantasy hockey leagues in the pastand will set up a “Points only” league with a live draft option. Send me an email or comment if you are interested and/or have further […]
The last three evenings I would have liked to participate in Second Life. However, Second Life finds a problem with billing my PayPal account and has disabled my account. I have filed a ticket on Monday but not heard from Linden Labs since.I have re-acquainted my SL account with my PP account twice, but still […]
So I am interested in their software, want to run a Windows Update, but in Firefox I get a notice that I have to use IE. Talk about DRM…
I just got an email announcing that in the coming days, I’ll need to log into my Writely account with my Google account password. I am guessing this means that GOffice is almost ready and Writely will be incorporated in the little menu in the top left corner. On a side note, one of the […]