Steve Gillmor likes to experiment with the format of the Gillmor Gang despite everybody telling him that splitting a show into five parts sucks. While I generally agree, practice makes perfect and I can almost blindly scroll to the 3:50 minute-mark of a file when the real show starts. Unfortunately, the GBX extension does not […]
During the book fair in Frankfurt, publishers announced a new standard which is supposed to automatically communcicate permissions information. This means as I understand it, that search engine and other bots would automatically see if the content on a certain site is supposed to be indexed or if the publisher prohibits indexing. While I do […]
So, after some unsuccessful digging for the goings-on during last weeks SFO AttentionTrust/GestureBank event, I had to come back to the old-fashioned way to get information: ask somebody who might know.I did ask and got the answer. Thanks. Denise Howell and Dan Farber reported on talks by Michael Goldhaber, Seth Goldstein and Steve Gillmor/Dave Sifry. […]
On one of my train rides I finally got around to watching some TED presentations I had tagged “towatch”, here are my favorites: Sir Ken Robinson, on the need for creating a better education system, one that rewards creativity. Hans Rosling, demo-ing Gapminder which brings data to life in a mind-boggling way. Must-see. Tony Robbins, […]
While waiting paitently for the chief of gestures to gestureto his newest venture I have been careful with my own gestures. Which is a euphemism for “there was just nothing I have to report”. (Or, I didn’t want this post to move off the start page.) I am following very patiently how one of my […]