And the finder (David Berlind) wants to give it back. Spread the word, maybe the poor guy reads blogs…(track it on techmeme) Technorati Tags: lostipod
Today they let the cat out of the bag: Joseph Jaffe, Shel Holtz, Neville Hobson and C.C. Chapman (no reason for that order) have announced the name of their venture: I think it will be very exciting to see how this shapes out.Their office will be located in Second Life, with a big launch event […]
I found this how-to on ZDnet, you need to install a little Greasemonkey script. Then your GRRS feeds integrate nicely with Gmail.Just like that. Technorati Tags: gmail, greader
Well, after watching the Scoble Show about Flock I decided to record a couple of screencasts of my own on that subject. The first is on the photo function/flickr integration.Turns out that 6 minutes is almost 165 MB. Much too big a file for a FlashPlayer. So, until somebody tells me how I can quickly […]
This morning when I paid my weekly visit to the second life office of CC. Chapman I saw this big ad:Huh, I though. Ok. Then, though, while strolling through the city of Heidelberg, I saw this: Very interesting coincident, don’t you think? A successful worldwide campaign against world wide poverty by the UN. Check it […]
Reading about the Office 2.0 conference in the Labs I thought that not only does Google challange Microsoft for the office-app space.They also more or less quietly proved that the Passport concept wasn’t all that bad. Google just introduced it the other way round, now it is there and nobody complains… Technorati Tags: google, office20, […]