<back from lurkmode> Two interesting news items in last night’s prime time news show. First, a report about an Iraqui video blogger who shows the other side of the war. Couldn’t help but think that you’d never see this item on American MSM.Secondly, a report that President Bush wants to "save the polar bear", meaning […]
As a (ahem) movie producer myself I am naturally interested in movie platforms and have spread my content over youtube, sevenload and of course revver. Lately, spam comments on youtube seem to be the next big thing. Yesterday alone I have received 7 comments with hot sex offers and I can’t see that anything is […]
or wait for the new ones to come out: The battery of my trusty white 3G last barely 3 episodes of the Gillmor Gang, even without the long ads in the beginning and new ones at the end of each show.
The great Geek and Poke blog has terrific predictions for 2007: Technorati Tags: gillmor, calacanis, carr
This came in on November 29th: New EU Wide Hand Baggage Restrictions effective 6/11/06 Thanks so very much for the heads-up. Too bad my flight was on the 20th… Technorati Tags: ryanair