A lot has to do with the hen and the egg. We have talked about it before, for some reason the German blogosphere does not like to rally about political topics in a way that is positive, driving an inititiative. It is good at collectively pointing out and correcting a wrong, but not at getting […]
Spreeblick, one of the most respected German blogs and blog networks, has teamed up with digital boheme author Sascha Lobo to build adical, an ad network starting with 20 selected blogs. More info to come. Technorati Tags: spreeblick, blogads, network, saschalobo
German industry mag w&v calls Web 2.0 a bluff, interpreting a Dialego study. According to the report, knowledge of the terms “Web 2.0” or “Weblogs” has not or only minimaly increased between 06/206 and 12/2006 in Germany (the study also includes numbers for UK and France):“Have you heard of the term Web 2.0?” 35% yes […]
One would imagine that Google Reader has a search box, Google being a search engine and all. But either it hasn’t or I can’t find it. Could you please add that? Technorati Tags: googlereader, rss, search
Excited by the news that The Police will be touring again I went to site thepolicetour.com and got even more excited when I saw the RSS sign. “Sure thing, I can’t miss on tickets, cause I’ll know as soon as they are on sale, thanks to my friend RSS.”The feed, however, is the latest news […]