Some time ago, Johannes pointed me to the SXSW podcasts. I happened to download more than he recommended, most notably the “Writing, Better” session.Greg Storey from Airbag talks about his feelings when writing a post an the accompanying expactations, e.g. thinking you have just written a gem, lyao, but then realising nobody got it. Or, […]
Via Twitter/from Lee Hopkins comes a new resource for audio book junkies like me: – audio books for information, relaxation and rejuvenationAlready, you can find some great links and tips for your audio content needs. Good luck, Lee, looks promising! Technorati Tags: newbookonaudio, leehopkins, audiobooks
In an effort to totally alienate those of you who read more than one of my blogs, I will repost the most recent episode of The Speaking English Podcast. If you are annoyed, please send all hate-mail to C.C. Chapman, he is responsible. In this special episode I answer a listener’s question, ask for video […]
Metaverse, quite a term. Lately, it is really filled with life for me – I studied literature and theater within the theater always piqued my interest. For example: At the re:publica conference in Berlin we sat down to record a show, with video. While Mario set up his gear Heiko filmed him and I filmed […]
I inserted a picture from my flickr-panel in Flock via drag and drop into Scribefire making a blog post. While the picture was shown correctly in the panel view,correlating to the post I wrote about the RSS symbol at a gas station, this picture was inserted into the post:I never noticed until today when I […]
This may not be news at all, but it was news to me. In order to improve my presentation skills I watch all kinds of presenters and have been watching a lot of TED talks of the past. Via Johannes I found out today that there is (now) an iTunes feed for it. Back to […]